LitFest in the Dena Saturday and Sunday 12:30-6pm May 4-5 2004
Jackie Chou headshot

Jackie Chou

Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum

Jackie Chou is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee whose poem Formosa was a finalist in the 2023 Stephen A DiBiase Poetry Prize. She has numerous poems published by Fevers of the Mind Poetry Digest inspired by the late great Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Pablo Neruda, Langston Hughes, Jack Kerouac, and others. Her two collections of poetry, Finding My Heart in Finding My Heart in Love and Loss and the Sorceress, published by cyberwit in 2023, can be purchased on Amazon.