LitFest in the Dena Saturday and Sunday 12:30-6pm May 4-5 2004

Kingfisher Campbell, Don

Don Kingfisher Campbell

Don Kingfisher Campbell Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Don Kingfisher Campbell, MFA Antioch University L.A., taught at Occidental College Upward Bound for 36 years, board member California Poets In The Schools, publisher Four Feathers Press, host of the Saturday Afternoon Poetry reading and workshop series in Pasadena, California. For awards, […]

Lipkin, Elline

Elline Lipkin headshot

Elline Lipkin Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Elline Lipkin is a poet and academic.  Her first book, The Errant Thread, was chosen by Eavan Boland for the Kore Press First Book Award.  Her second, Girls’ Studies, was published by Seal Press.  She teaches poetry workshops, serves as an editor and writing coach, and […]

Jay, Brandon

Brandon Jay

Brandon Jay The Influence of Songwriting on Literature, May 4th, 5:00 – 6:00pm, Mt. View Mausoleum Brandon Jay has been playing drums since he can remember. His mother would lay out pots and pans and other household items for him to bang on – similar items can be found in his percussion basket today! A […]

Mark, Russell & Mika Larson: The Nextdoors

The Nextdoors headshot

Russell Mark & Mika Larson of The Nextdoors The Influence of Songwriting on Literature, May 4th, 5:00 – 6:00pm, Mt. View Mausoleum The Nextdoors are a wife-and-husband duo hailing from the peacock-laden streets of East Pasadena. When Russell Mark and Mika Larson were cut off from their other music projects by the pandemic they jumped […]

Kozlowski, Lori

Lori Kozlowski

Lori Kozlowski The Neighborhood Narrative, Sunday, May 5th, 2:00 – 3:00pm, Mt. View Mausoleum Lori Kozlowski is a writer, editor, and media leader, exploring storytelling in all of its forms. She founded More Light Media, a content studio and storytelling company. She was the producer and head of content for Google’s virtual reality film series […]

Johnson, Dana

Dana Johnson headshot

Dana Johnson Beyond the Beach: Searching for Community in SoCal Neighborhoods, Saturday, May 4th, 5:00 – 6:00pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Dana Johnson is the author of the short story collections In the Not Quite Dark and Break Any Woman Down, and the novel Elsewhere, California. Born and raised in and around Los Angeles, she is […]

Iknadossian, Armine

Armine Iknadossian

Armine Iknadossian Zephyr Poets, Saturday, May 4th, 5:00 – 6:00pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Born in Beirut, Lebanon, Arminé Iknadossian’s family fled to California when she was four years old to escape the civil war. After graduating from UCLA, Iknadossian earned an MFA in Creative Writing at Antioch University. The author of All That Wasted Fruit […]

Kayzakian, Arthur

Arthur Kayzakian

Arthur Kayzakian Zephyr Poets, Saturday, May 4th, 5:00 – 6:00pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Arthur Kayzakian is the winner of the 2021 Black Lawrence Immigrant Writing Series award for his collection, The Book of Redacted Paintings, which was also selected as a finalist for the 2021 Philip Levine Prize for Poetry. He is the recipient of […]

Koldpiece, A

A Kold Piece headshot

A Kold Piece To Pimp a Butterfly, Saturday, May 4, 2:00-3:00pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Father, Educator, Writer, Poet, Spokenword Artist & Host. He is a graduate of UCLA with a B.A. in History. This gentle giant has a special gift for creating haiku and short stories accented with his wit and humble personality. AKoldPiece has […]

Kaplan, Bonnie S.

Bonnie S. Kaplan Visible Wisdom: Lesbian Poets over 60: Reading and In Conversation , Saturday, May 4, 2:00pm-3:00pm Bonnie S. Kaplan is a multidisciplinary literary and performance artist. Her poetry has appeared in Sinister Wisdom, Room Magazine, TAB Journal, and Northridge Review. Her manuscript, Where I Live Now, was a semifinalist for the Nine Syllables […]

Indigo, L.K.

L. K. Indigo City of Phantoms, Poetry of Unseen Boroughs, Saturday, May 4, 12:30pm-1:45pm, Mountain View Mausoleum L. K. Indigo is a poet who draws inspiration from the mundane to the mystical, often speculating on love, life, and mental health. She also writes spec. fiction and comics and can usually be found trying to create […]