LitFest in the Dena Saturday and Sunday 12:30-6pm May 4-5 2004

Fromson, Xach

Xach Fromson headshot

Xach Fromson For the Love of Horror, Saturday, May 4, 5:00-6:00pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Xach Fromson (2013 – ) is a Los Angeles native who has been obsessed with horror and dark fiction from a very young age. After a brief and ill-advised attempt at being a theater major, he received his BA in Creative […]

Martinez, John

John Martinez headshot

John Martinez Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum John Martinez is a poet and musician. He attended Fresno State University, where he studied poetry under Philip Levine in the late 1970s and early 80s. He has published sporadically in various anthologies over the years, and regularly performs his poetry (most recently, […]

Torregrossa, Mary

Mary Torregrossa headshot

Mary Torregrossa Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Mary E. Torregrossa, often noted as a storyteller, is more importantly a story-listener, a practice honed by her job as an ESL teacher in Southern California. Originally from Rhode Island, she blends images and experiences of both coasts into her poetry. Her first […]

Chou, Jackie

Jackie Chou headshot

Jackie Chou Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Jackie Chou is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee whose poem Formosa was a finalist in the 2023 Stephen A DiBiase Poetry Prize. She has numerous poems published by Fevers of the Mind Poetry Digest inspired by the late great Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Pablo […]

Dutton, Pauli

Pauli Dutton

Pauli Dutton Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Pauli Dutton has an MLIS from the University of Southern California.  As a librarian she founded Poetry and Cookies poetry readings, workshops, and annual poetry anthology, precursor to the Altadena Poetry Review. Her poem While Teaching Line Dancing was nominated by ONE ART for Orison […]

Foster, GT

GT Foster

GT Foster Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum GT Foster, a twice-nominated Pushcart poet, is a California native, retired educator, and 52-year married father and grandfather of 2. He was 6 -year managing editor of SPECTRUM, a poetry and art quarterly and host of Saturday Afternoon Poetry Deep Critique. He resides […]

Kingfisher Campbell, Don

Don Kingfisher Campbell

Don Kingfisher Campbell Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Don Kingfisher Campbell, MFA Antioch University L.A., taught at Occidental College Upward Bound for 36 years, board member California Poets In The Schools, publisher Four Feathers Press, host of the Saturday Afternoon Poetry reading and workshop series in Pasadena, California. For awards, […]

Rivas, Dra. Martha

Dra. Martha Rivas headshot

Dra. Martha Rivas Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Dr. Martha bridges her scholarly brilliance into critical-poetics to deconstruct white supremacy and systemic oppression, while celebrating the resilience by Communities of Color. Dr. Martha is a visual artist and spoken-word cantadora; her critical-poetics appear in the 2017 AMAE Journal; 2024 SOMOS […]

Silich, Emily

Emily Silich headshot

Emily Silich Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Emily Silich is an astrophysicist based in Pasadena, California. In between telescope exposures and while waiting for her code to finish tessellating simulated dark matter particles, she enjoys weaving elements of her day-to-day sciencey ramblings into poetic forms. The works featured in the […]

Lipkin, Elline

Elline Lipkin headshot

Elline Lipkin Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Elline Lipkin is a poet and academic.  Her first book, The Errant Thread, was chosen by Eavan Boland for the Kore Press First Book Award.  Her second, Girls’ Studies, was published by Seal Press.  She teaches poetry workshops, serves as an editor and writing coach, and […]

Flores, Sarah

Sarah Flores headshot

Sarah Flores Altadena Poetry Review, Sunday, May 5, 3:30-4:30pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Sarah Flores is a NASA engineer, street artist, and delights in raising kids with her husband—an Iraq War veteran. When she’s not painting portraits at chalk festivals, you can find her delving into writing and poetry that explore her family’s healing journeys after […]

Garcia, Emma

Emma Garcia headshot

Emma Garcia Getting the Word Out, Sunday, May 5, 2:00-3:00pm, Mountain View Mausoleum Emma Garcia is a writer and artist, born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. It was after winning her first art contest at the age of five that she discovered her passion for the enchanting world of storytelling. She later graduated […]